US DEBATE; Friday’s Trumpet call

NEWSER) – “A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man we can trust with nuclear weapons,” Hillary Clinton said in her acceptance speech to the Democratic convention Thursday night—and it wasn’t long before the man she was talking about fired back on Twitter.
In a series of tweets, Donald Trump slammed Clinton for failing to say the words “radical Islam,” accused her of unleashing “destruction, terrorism and ISIS across the world,” and concluded: “No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton—corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes.” The Guardian notes that as Clinton tore into Trump during her speech, his campaign fired out no fewer than 15 emails with various lines of attack on Clinton.
Earlier Thursday, Trump was at a campaign rally in Iowa, where he told the audience he wanted to hit some of the speakers who disparaged him at the DNC, reports CNN, which notes that Trump sometimes uses the word “hit” to refer to verbal attacks. “I wanted to hit a couple of those speakers so hard,” Trump said. “I would have hit them. No, no. I was going to hit them, I was all set and then I got a call from a highly respected governor.” He added: “I was going to hit one guy in particular, a very little guy. I was going to hit this guy so hard his head would spin, he wouldn’t know what the hell happened.” The Trump campaign wouldn’t tell the New York Times whom he was talking about, though many suspect it was Michael Bloomberg, who called Trump a “demagogue” in his convention speech Wednesday. (Trump says he was being sarcastic when he suggested Russian hackers should look for Clinton’s emails.)