MEDIA WATCH: When top judge flaunts the law

Hoyporhoy, July 24 La Prensa
IN FLAGRANT VIOLATION of Law 53 of 2015, that governs a judicial career in Panama, the Fourth General Affairs Division of the Supreme Court and the full Supreme Court selected and handpicked hundreds of judicial officials who will be responsible for implementing the adversarial criminal justice system in the principal judicial district of the country.
The reasoned excuse for not making public the interviews contests demanded by the Judicial Career Law is completely puerile: no money.
The president of the Supreme Court of Justice has never been interested in conducting such contests or other rules measuring the performance of judges and magistrates, who must pay homage under current rules.
The end result of this convenient omission is that more than 900 judicial officers appointed , not for talent and merit, but by the sinister Judge Jose Ayu Prado, who with this action has left an eternal and indelible mark on the judiciary. So great infamy cannot go unpunished organized civil society has made that call.