Sex trafficking raid in el Cangrejo

 AN OPERATION  against trafficking  in people for sexual exploitation took place  in El Cangrejo on Wednesday morning, July 20

The raid   involving at least 40 security personnel from the Public Prosecutor’s Office, in  conjunction with the Directorate of Judicial Investigation began  at 6am  at  the six story Everisland PH on 49th Street East, El Cangrejo, next to the Garden Inn Hotel.

Minister of Public Security, Alexis Bethancourt, and police chief, Omar Pinzon, were present.

At 9:30 a.m. several people allegedly linked to the case were taken out of the building  with their faces covered.

Forty-six people, 26 women and 20 men,  victims of the traffickers were arrested  along with an Ecuadorian, a Colombian  and a Honduran said to be  behind thetrafficking network. No Panamanians were among those arrested.

Authorities said they found weapons, drugs  and documents evidencing the illegal operation..

Of 12 apartments, 11 were reportedly  used to provide sexual services.
The operation was conducted following citizen complaints.