Mayor admits his soccer team on municipal pay roll

ARRAIJÁN’S  Mayor  has admitted that nine players of the soccer team Santa Gema FC, of which he is the president, were on the municipal payroll.

Pedro Sánchez Moro,  who is being investigated by the third anti-corruption prosecutor for crimes against public administration, made the admission Tuesday,July 19. He  also confirmed that players from Club Atlético Independiente (CAI) and Plaza Amador were also on the payroll

The maypr said the players had defined roles and actually did the work for which they were paid.The players were hired as drivers, inspectors and maintenance workers.

Prosecutor Zuleyka Moore has been investigating the case together with the Comptroller General for two months based on an anonymous complaint, reports La Prensa.

An audit found that up to 180 of the 450 municipal employees may have had unexplained absences from their jobs.

The mayor has said the investigation is politically motivated.