MEDIA WATCH: Flouting the rule of law

Hoyporhoy La Prensa July 19

THE ELECTORAL jurisdiction has proven to be an effective tool to perpetrate crimes. Martinelli was first, then some of his party members followed him and now we see ex-vicepresidente Virzi using the same tool to obstruct and prolong legal proceedings against him.

So this jurisdiction has been prostituted, becoming a refuge for these politicians, through parliamentary immunity as has been used by the deputies.

If political parties do not want to garner even more dislike and nausea from society such sickening impunity they must modify the use of electoral courts as a legal instrument to evade justice.

While political parties argue that the charter was not created for that purpose, leaving arms crossed and  continuing to allow its abhorrent use is to become complicit in the abuse.

If they want to do things well and project a better image, they must take the initiative as soon as possible and put  an end to this unfortunate issue. Otherwise, we will see once again how politicians mock the rule of law.
