Pokemon hysteria reaches Panama

POKEMON has attacked Panama and thousands of zombies are already  circulating in the city according to the AFP news agency, although officially the game is not available here.

The National Shrine, the Balboa Theater the  Miraflores locks and the Bio Museum are favorite haunts according to the agency.

“Surely, you have heard of them. They invade social networks, news, shopping, talks between friends and maybe someone close to you is capturing them. Who are the famous Pokémon and why everybody has gone crazy for them?” says AFP

His birth was 20 years ago, on the platform of GameBoy of Nintendo, and the primary objective was to capture all these creatures called Pokémon, train them and have battles with other players and participate in tournaments.

Public acceptance soon led to the TV screen. In 1997, the animated series, in which Ash Ketchum, a 10 year old boy, the fictional town palette, begins his journey to become a maestro Pokémon Pokémon did not stay there, and soon filled the shelves with hundreds of products and even theaters, and in 1998 released his first film Pokémon: Mewtwo vs. Mew.

One of the most outstanding events of that first “pokemanía” was that some television channels in the world decided to remove or censor certain chapters of the series, since because of the flashing lights that were transmitted during battles, it was said that they were related seizures of several children

The Pokémon Go is a free augmented reality game (virtual elements combined with our real-time environment) for mobile devices.

The goal and the game features are virtually the same as its  predecessors. You can choose between three teams distinguished by colors (red, yellow and blue) and must catch, train and fight the  “pocket monstersfrom which it derives its name.

The big difference is that to achieve this, the user will be forced to explore their city in search of them. This is because the game works with a combination of Google Maps and GPS, which places the player in its current location and follows it during its journey.

The game tells you when one of theecreatures is nearby and creates an alarm to alert you. To capture, must be as close as possible to the reference point, as well as possessing the necessary elements to do so.

To do this, it will feature “you pokeparadas” help centers for players, where you will find utensils to continue playing: from the “Pokeballs” (indispensable for catches), heal the Pokémon wounded in battle and others.

Pokémon gyms, on the other hand, are battle stations for a player,

Capture points are in museums, theaters, monuments, etc., chosen by the application and depending on their relevance.

In the city of Panama, Balboa Theatre, the monument to Arnulfo Arias Madrid and the National Shrine are examples of  battle stations.