Home of Gucci dog owner searched

THE HOME of the former deputy minister of the Ministry of Social Development (Mides), Zulema “Gucci” Sucre,  was raided on  Thursday,  July 14,  by the Fifth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor as part of  an investigation into a case of  alleged embezzlement.

Sucre gained notoriety early in the year when reports surfaced of her use of government security guards to walk her dog Gucci.

Prosecutors say they are looking for evidence that the former official threatened her bodyguards. She resigned in Mach over allegations that she abused her state-provided bodyguards by making them perform tasks such as walking her dog.

The prosecutor says that they that will extract the information contained in the cell phones provided by the escorts regarding alleged embezzlement including threats  that were sent through text messages .

On Sunday February 28 the Public Ministry announced it had opened an investigation of  Sucre.
The investigation stems following a complaint filed by three bodyguards of former deputy minister with the National Authority of Transparency and Access to Information.

The allegation of the escorts is say  Sucre, who forced them to provide their services.
On March 1 Sucre submitted her resignation as deputy minister after the public prosecutor opened an investigation into the case

Sucre said at the time in a letter that she submitted her resignation “so that I can exercise a broad, responsible and transparent defense with the competent authorities “