OFF THE CUFF Martinelli lawyers reject unappealable decision

OFF THE CUFF Martinelli lawyers reject unappealable  decision

THE REJECTION  by Panama’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has of  two requests filed by lawyers for former President Ricardo Martinelli seeking to prevent the submission of an extradition request to the United States, has set them scrambling again.

The Ministry ruled that the motions had “no legal basis.”

It also ruled that the decision by the Supreme Court to summon Martinelli for a hearing on charges that he ordered illegal surveillance while in office “is final and binding and unappealable.”

That hasn’t Dimas Guevara,  Martinelli’s legal team who ride on the gravy train. Dimas Guevara, one of the highly paidbeneficiaries   said that the decision by the Foreign Ministry violates the right of his client, and a legal action will be filed against the resolution in the coming days. The road to the bank is paved with appeals.