OPINION: The Brexit bonus for France

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa, July 11

THE MISFORTUNE of others has become the promise of personal gain for European countries that UK  Brexit voters made possible.

As it follows the Panamanian economic policy of attracting investment. France has decided to offer businesses established in the UK, who move to French soil, a generous package of tax incentives that includes highly favorable corporate  tax exoneration for eight years to executives who move and other incentives for British capital flows, which otherwise would go to third countries.

France has every right to do what it takes to create jobs and improve their competitiveness against other economies.

Panama has the same right, but European countries, led by France ironically, perhaps a remnant of its colonial policy, , want to impose behaviors that they do not comply with . The double standard persists in matters of foreign policy. Perhaps there is no better example than the so-called list of tax havens.