Outgoing UP rector’s “shield”directive “unethical”

A DECLARATION signed by University of Panama (UP) outgoing Rector Gustavo García de Paredes and Secretary General Miguel Angel Candanedo – has been labeled a shield for officials who had served in his administration.
The directive created a two-year period that will limit performance evaluations. The measure, published in the Government Gazette July 4, has raised complaints.
It is a “shield for officials who would have had to leave,” said former UP Legal Director Vicente Archibold, who added that the budget of the institution is also committed, which will limit the changes that can be made by the incoming rector.
He cites the resolution, dated June 1, establishing that any managers appointed to positions will be made permanent employees.
He added that the resolution also includes salary commitments.
The resolution introduces reforms to the university’s employment policies, specifically the one that addresses employment policies during a transition period between rectors.
The newly elected rector Eduardo Flores, after learning of the automatic continuation of staff with two or more years of service, regardless of performance said : “It was not ethical to do so in the midst of the hand over process.”
The current rector has served for almost 20 years.