THEATRE: When murder adds spice to fine dining

By Margot Tomas

THE MULI-TALENTED cast of the comedic  Bingo Spells Murder the 5th annual Murder Dinner Theatre organized by the CanadaPLUS Foundation are entering their final week of rehearsal.

 They will perform  for three nights Monday July 11 through Wednesday July 13 and the closing date for reservation is July 6. The event has sold out every year so if you haven’t booked go to the end for information.

It takes place at the Miramar Intercontinental Hotel on Avenida  Balboa where a murder adds  spice to   a Miramar special dinner while  you  sip fine wine.

Bingo Spells Murder silueta debajo del cartonBefore you finish dining you get to test your sleuthing skills by helping discover the killer at a Bingo Fund Raiser at the near bankrupt orphanage of Our Lady of Almost Lost Causes. Among the guests is a hitman, who’s there to ensure the Mob gets its protection money.

The play is superbly directed by Kendall McKella, who writes directs and produces stage and film works,

The price for dinner, a welcoming goblet of wine, first class entertainment and good company is: $30 Foundation member’s $40 nonmembers.

To reserve: call 6619-6890 or email

Proceeds go to the staging of the Foundation’s annual charity concert Carols By Candlelight