Most dangerous man has police protection

A GANG LEADER described   as one of  the most dangerous men in the country, will continue  under police protection  because intelligence reports reveal that his life is in danger.

The original protection  order for Dangelo Ramirez Ramea,   came from  seventh criminal judge, Felipe Fuentes, who in May acquitted him of money laundering and , issued a resolution that ordered Ramirez Ramea  confined at his residence under permanent police custody.

The judge said he made that decision at the request of the prosecution to ensure the attendance of the accused at  trial and the defense because they feared for his life.

It led to an exchange of sharp notes between the judge and National Police chief Omar Pinzon who criticized the acquittal .

The judge then wrote criticizing Pinzon’s comments

“You gave interviews to some print media and television described the ruling as” bad “and “a mockery of justice ” because they were told that the undersigned [the judge] had released the head of one of the most dangerous gangs in the country called Calor Calor (heat heat),

The judge also said  Ramea Ramirez was not indicted for racketeering as Pinzon  told the media.

Pinzon has  confirmed the exchange of letters with Judge Fuentes and  said police custody the accused will remain.

“The security agencies have decided to keep Ramirez Ramea under surveillance given that intelligence reports indicate that police there is a risk that may threaten the lives of Ramirez Ramea,” said Pinzon.

“We have received information from the Security Council and the National Police intelligence that the citizen Danyelo Dayan Ramirez is a group of people who want to kill him,” the police chief.

He also said that the measure was taken because “there are instructions from the Security Minister that we must enforce the law ,,,we need to ensure the life of the citizen.”

The head of the PN said the security agencies are in a position they have to ensure both the safety and physical integrity of Ramirez Ramea as neighbors living in the area, “because there is a danger and we know that the threat it is imminent and highly dangerous “.

On  June 29, attorney Kevin Moncada, legal defender  of Ramirez filed a contempt proceeding in the Seventh Criminal Court against the director of the National Police, Omar Pinzon, for allegedly failing to comply with the release order to be issued to for his  client.

Former Drug Prosecutor Markel Mora said they are awaiting an appeal before the Second Superior Court against the ruling that acquitted Ramirez Ramea and Vanela Hernandez, charged with the alleged crime of money laundering, after the September 28, 2009  impounding of $ 1 million in cash during a police operation at Lindbergh Field.

According to the judge, the prosecution failed to prove that the accused was involved   in any activity related to the crime of money laundering.

He also claimed that the prosecution based the case only on  the possession of money from the defendants, but did not demonstrate drug trafficking.

The judge called a “hint” that the money seized from the accused tested positive in the test of “ion scan” – -Detection of particulate substances amphetamine and methamphetamine ions.

The judge’s ruling was heavily criticized by civil society and even by President Juan Carlos Varela.

Ramea Ramirez, who was held in the newly created  maximum security jail Punta Coco, on Isla  El in the Las Perlas , archipelago is considered by National Police Intelligence as one of the most dangerous criminals in the country.