Spot the killer as you wine and dine

By Margot Thomas

WITH  JUST TWO  WEEKS  to go to curtain up on the fifth Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre series, tickets are already being delivered to those wise enough to plan ahead to  guarantee a reservation on the evening of their choice.

mm posterLast year over a dozen theatre, and fine dining fans were disappointed on the final night. of the annual event staged by the CanadaPLUS Foundation.

A Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre not only offers an entertaining  whodunit,, but the opportunity for the audience to play a role, because they are in fact part of the play and get  to  interact with the  performers and  point the finger at the guilty one.

Bingo Spells Murder by Robert Mattons  This year’s performance , dynamically directed by Kendall McKella, who  has a background in film and stage productions, centers around  an orphanage, Our Lady of Almost Lost Causes facing closure and in debt to the mob, while a rapacious big city developer seeks to take over the property  and convert it to apartments for those more upwardly mobile than the kids who grew up there.

A mobster confesses
A mobster confesses

While you are figuring out who did the inevitable bloody deed, you get to listen in to the even more blood-stained confession of a mobster, and the surprising revelations of a young woman about to be married. It’s all happening as you sip your wine and dine on some specially selected  delectable dishes from the Miramar kitchens.

The play will run for three nights, Monday July 11 to Wednesday July 13 at the Miramar Intercontinental Hotel. Curtain up I at 7.30 pm, so plan to arrive some 15 minutes earlier to get your wine glass filled, take your seat, and meet your fellow diners.

The cost of the entertainment night out is $30 for members of CanadaPLUS, and $40 for nonmembers . You can reserve by calling 6619-6890 or emailing

As with all the Foundation’s events your tickets will be delivered to your home or office in the Panama City area or you can pick them up at the Canada Day. July 1 celebration at the Miramar.

Proceeds go to funding the annual Carols by Candlelight  charity concer