Street fixing price tag raises eyebrows

THE $52 MILLION price tag for the “renovation” of two Panama city streets has surprised residents and engineers.

The thoroufares are  Vía Argentina and Calle Uruguay, in Bella Vista

The Panama City Mayor’s Office announced the figure during a meeting about the project on Tuesday, June 21.

Lorena Milanés, a resident of Calle Uruguay, stressed that it is “a lot of money” for work in a single area.

Tomas Engler, a member of the Urban Citizen Network, said that the mayor should justify the  expense by releasing details about the project.

Lorena Milanés, a resident of Calle Uruguay, stressed said it is “a lot of money” for work in two limited areas.

José Batista and Nicolás Real, members of the Panamanian Society of Engineers and Architects, also expressed doubts about the project.

Real said the money will only improve a small area of Panama City.” This is a lack of respect,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mayor José Isabel Blandón, who has already commixed $100 million to improving Via Espana ro Plaza Cico de Mayo, said that it is not only to improve the roads and sidewalks, but a part of a broader urban project.