Varela official facing corruption probe

EDWIN CÁRDENAS, the former director of the Institute of Agricultural Marketing (IMA), is the first senior official in the current administration to be  investigated by anti-corruption prosecutors for offenses against public administration.

The investigation is based on an audit by the comptroller on the Program for Food Solidarity, which was overseen by Cardenas from July 2014 to April 2015.

Auditors found economic injury to the state of $6.5 million.

Prosecutor Ruth Morcillo is also investigating two former  institute officials as well as several other individuals, three employees of the comptroller’s office and two former officials from the Ministry of Agricultural Development. The names of those defendants have not been released reports La Prensa.

According to the audit, Cardenas failed to act with prudence and a lack of planning. This resulted in overpayments and a lack of proper processing of goods.

Cárdenas resigned on April 1, 2015, after harsh criticism due to several cases of nepotism within the institute.

Jorge Arango he Agricultural Minister tendered his resignation last week. It becomes effective July 5, and President Juan Carlos Varela has said that he will be offered a new position because of his abilities.

The cleaning up of corruption, was one of the planks in Varela’s election campaign.