OPINION: Closing the trap on biggest ever thieves

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa June 19
VERY RARELY does the Comptroller General of the audit the assets declarations of former officials. The traditional pact of impunity among the various political parties taking turns in power, ensured that these documents were forgotten.
In the case of the former Minister of Labor of the previous government, the auditors found serious inconsistencies between the amounts and the official declared assets at the beginning and at the end of her administration. The Comptroller Checked the assertions and the revelations opened a window into the “modus operandi” of the double standards of those who ruled us and took advantage of their public office.
This is a fundamental reason to further investigate all acts of corruption and avoid impunity for the biggest thieves this country has ever known. Now more than ever we must grant the Public Prosecutor all resources so they can do their job and complete all the necessary inquiries. The message “nothing will happen” should be denied to the actions of all authorities.