Health Minister replaced after soccer jaunt

PRESIDENT Juan Carlos Varela  moved quickly this week to replace Minister of Health Francisco Javier Terrientes, as social media and political vommentaotors  pounced on the man who, in the midst of the H1N1 health crisis,  left his post to attend a  Copa America  soccer game in Chicago.

The influenza outbreak which he has refused to call an epidemic,   has led to 18 deaths and nearly 700 patients hospitalized as the country struggles to obtain sufficient vaccine to continue the mass immunization program with health centers working overtime to cope.

Terrientes submitted his resignation to the Cabinet Council on Wednesday June 14, His resignation was   described as “ for professional reasons”

His successor Miguel Mayo was announced the same day.

The ex-Minister cleared his desk on Thursday He was followed to the exit door by his. deputy.

Minister of Agricultural Development Jorge Arango, also resigned on Wednesday, but his departure from government  office will likely be short lived.

His  resignation will be effective July 1. Varela said he will seek to appoint him to another position as he is one of the most respected producers in the agricultural industry.He will be suceeded by Enrique Carles