Attorney Generals office hacked

THE OFFICE of Panama’s  Attorney General is investigating a crime uncomfortably close to home following the  hacking of its web site  on Sunday June 5.

The only lead  so far,  say  the authorities, is that the attack was carried out within the country.

Secretary General Rolando Rodríguez said that the hackers were able to bypass security measures. They also prevented employees from accessing secure data on the site.

Officials have said the platform has now been protected.

A criminal investigation into obstruction of justice has been launched.

The news comes at a time when Panama is seeking to extradite former president Ricardo Martinelli from the United  States to face trial  for the alleged hacking and spying on scores if political opponents, journalists, judges and businessmen . Millions of dollars worth of sophisticated  spying equipment, purchased from Israel, and last seen when delivered to the head office off the 99 Supermarket chain has disappeared.