Most dangerous gang leader freed

A GANG leader named by police as one of the most dangerous men in the country who was found in 2009 with $1 million in cash in a brief case which he said he found near his car, has been acquitted
The Seventh Circuit Criminal Court acquitted and ordered the immediate release of Dangelo Dayan Ramirez Ramea and Sergio Vanela Hernandez, accused of of money laundering after a Sept. 28, 2009, police operation in Panama City.
The ruling dated May 25 was signed by, Felipe Fuentes, who concluded that the prosecution failed to prove that the accused was inolved in any activity related to money laundering.
He argued that none of the two defendants received, negotiated, transferred or converted the money seized.
He also claimed that the prosecution based the case only on the possession of money from the defendants, but did not demonstrate drug trafficking.
The judge called a “hint” that money seized from the accused tested positive in the “ion scan” for -detection of particulate substances amphetamine and methamphetamine .
Fuentes noted that it is known that banknotes circulate freely between an incalculable number of people, without being able to specify who, how and when the money was in contact with the drug.
The judge also rejected a financial report bythe Money Laundering Directorate of Police Investigation, which concluded that the accused could do not justify their income and assets and that the seized money, came from drug-related activities.
The judge said that the document did not have the quality of a financial report, but was a simple police report. A protective measure was applied to Ramea Ramirez who must remain confined to his home.
The investigation was initiated September 2009, after police saw three men in Costa del Este moving bundles of newspapers from a pickup truck van to a Toyota Prado and tried to interview them, but they fled. A police chase ended in Campo Lindbergh where they found 29 sealed plastic packages with money, one gun and three cell phones, one with images of packages of drugs and money.
During the investigation, police found that vehicle belonged to Ramirez Ramea, who was arrested at Tocumen International while trying to leave the country.
In statements Ramirez Ramea said the million dollars was not his and he found it near his car after exercising with a friend in Costa del Este .
According to his version, he returned to his car saw a briefcase, opened it and there was the money. He said he decided to take it and on the way to his house contacted another friend. When police appeared and they got nervous and fled.
Ramirez Ramea, who was held in the maximum security Punta Coco jail on Isla Rey in the Las Perlas, is considered by the National Police Intelligence as one of the most dangerous criminals in the country, and the alleged leader of Calor Calor one of the most dangerous gangs in the capital, who has been linked to the alleged commission of various crimes.
In 1998, he was arrested as a member of a gang of robbers who used police vests.
In February, 2002, he was acquitted of killing Carlos Mejia Argúmedez, who died of multiple gunshot wounds.
In 2005, he was investigated for allegedly being linked to robbing the Bank of China, in Colon of $2.4 million. He and 14 others were acquitted in October 2006.
He is said to have been related to Joseph Cossio, deported in April 2015 for being allegedly linked to the commission of multiple crimes.
Cossio was one of the suspects, acquitted of the Bank of China.robbery And both were held in Punta Coco