Canucks prepare for Canada Day celebration

The Social Scene with Margot Thomas

JULY 1  is coming up fast, and for  Canadians and friends  aound the world, that spells Canada Day (Fête du Canada)  and the chance to celebrate the anniversary of the July 1, 1867, enactment of the Actwhich united three colonies into a single country called Canada.

Originally called Dominion Day Le Jour de la Confédération), the holiday was renamed in 1982.

canBut whatever the name, the day is celebrated around the world and the CanadaPLUS Foundation has well advanced plans for another memorable evening.

Along with music dancing, mouthwatering finger foods, door prizes  and an open wine and soft drinks bar to relax the vocal chords for the singing of  Oh Canada,  comes an opportunity to take part in a coffee tasting session of geisha and other high end coffees presented by Frank Tedman of Palo Alto whose  family history is closely entwined with Canada.

Frank’s grandfather came to Panama from Ontario  to work as a dredger captain on the French canal building attempt,  before leading a group of settlers to Boquete, Chiriqui  in the 1870’s  to start the family coffee plantation.

The event will be at the Mirimar Intercontinental Hotel 7.15 pm  to 9.15 pm.

The donation is $25 for members, $30 for non-members. You don’t have to be Canadian to participate, you will meet some interesting people and have a great night out.

You will also be able to pick up your tickets for Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre July 11-13

Tickets, as always  will be delivered to your home or office in Panama city and environs.

To reserve call 6619-6890 or email