Prosecutor seeks files on arrest of Waked mules

ABDUL WAKED’S  denials of knowledge of any investigation of the family conglomerate and links to money laundering, are getting harder to accept as revelations appear of  arrests of mules carrying suitcases stuffed with drug money, and a case sitting in the Supreme Court for  years while a Panama lawyer attempted to block assisting Colombian prosecutors.

A drug prosecutor has asked the Supreme Court for records relating to the August 2006 arrests of Ariadna Hernandez-Lozada, María González Reyes and Ali Abd Fares-Shaaban as part of the current investigation into the Waked family.

Prosecutor Markel Mora said that the request is based on a letter from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency which stated that the 2006 arrests prompted its investigation into the Wakeds that resulted in 68 companies linked to the family being included on the Clinton list, reports La Prensa.

The DEA said the people who were arrested were transporting money for the Wakeds that were the proceeds of drug trafficking.

Mora also requested information about a judicial request from Colombia linked to the case. That request was the subject of a 2011 Supreme Court decision.

Colombian authorities asked for verification of criminal records of Abdul Waked Fares, Sain Said Hamed, Walid Ali Waked, Nidal Waked and Ali Mohamed Waked Fares in Panama, as well as for billing reports made by businesses linked to them. The request was filed in 2008, but it took three years to resolve the legal issues surrounding it