Mini twister destroys homes, overturns cars

A “GUSTNADO” ( a swirling mini twister), gusting between 90 and 130 km an hiur  and with  a  diameter of between 10 and 70 meters destroyed eight  houses, toppled 30 trees and lifted into the air a 3.570 pounds van into the air  on Friday, May 28.

Earlier in the week in a milder storm that led to a 30 minute closure of Tocumen International Airport, TV images showed roofs of homes in The Tocumen area flying through the air.

The greatest damage on Friday  occurred in the shantytowns of San Lorenzo and San Jose in the Las Mananitas.


The weather phenomenon lasted about three minutes according to terrified  residents who watches as roofs   of  30 houses flew  through the air as if they were paper airplanes.

, José Donderis  director of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc), said there were no deaths or injuries in the destroyed homes.

He also added that 30 trees fell on power lines and  a pole on a  grocery store,which collapsed.

The  five people inside were unhurt.

Donderis said that, gustnados  “can develop very quickly and quickly disappear.”

He added that the size and dimensions of the phenomenon, able to overturn vehicles  could have produced  more serious results.