Uber driver suspended after dumping gay fare

AN UBER  driver  in Panama has been temporarily suspended  following an alleged discrimination incident involving two gay passengers.  

Photographer and graphic designer Mauricio Herrerabarría unveiled the story on  Facebook claiming that  after  exchanging a kiss with a man he is dating, the driver asked  “What’s ging on?” and ordered the passengers out of the car at 3 am on Via Brazil. “Would it have been the same if it had been a man and a woman? 100% no,”  Herrerabarría  wrote.

After publishing the message on the morning of Monday May 23 , his complaint was echoed by hundreds of people. A few hours later, Uber Panama announced that it  had opened an investigation and temporarily suspended the driver involved in the incident.

“Uber does not tolerate any discrimination by partners, drivers and users. Immediately after learning about this unfortunate situation we contacted the user to express our concern, and to have more details of what happened and to inform you that we have initiated an investigation into the  incident . While this research occurs, the driver has been suspended. We reiterate our commitment to offer an option in Panama reliable and efficient transport for all, “the company said through a statement posted on its  social networks.