Deteriorating Martinelli era apartments for repair

PROTESTS  by residents about the deterioration of the highly touted Urban Renewal apartments in  Curundú have borne fruit with an announcement that repair work will continue until all the problems are solved.

The Ministry of Housing and Land Management (Miviot) made the announcement  about the Martinelli era project

“Repairs to the project Curundú apartments will continue until all the existing  problems are  solved,” said Daniel Camero, an official of the National Directorate of Engineering and Architecture Miviot, during a meeting with residents.

Repairs will be made by Norberto Odebrecht, the contractor of the work, in coordination with the Miviot,

At the meeting, Camero asked residents for greater collaboration in caring for the project, when repairs were completed.

Deputy Minister of Housing, Jorge Gonzalez, said that various objects were found in toilets that clogged the pipes.

The deputy manager of Banco Hipotecario Nacional, Jose Tejada, said  that a census will be conducted to examinethe situation of beneficiaries who maintain some level of arrears in payment for their apartments.