Panama scandals: 3 hour protests block roads

AS  PRESIDENT  Juan Carlos Varea, continues to be lampooned daily by political cartoonists and denounced by civil society and business groups  over inaction on  a growing number of scandal issues,  students took to the streets on Thursday May 19.

close 1Their protest closed Via Transístmica opposite the University of Panama for over three hours, leading to traffic jams across the city.

Students were waving flags and placed  objects and branches  on the road  and  to block traffic.

Police began to divert motorists onto Vía España and other avenuesand  recommended drivers to  avoid Via Transístmica.

A spokesmen for the university explained that the students closed the road for several reasons, including  the recent scandals involving the Waked family and Mossack Fonseca.

They also  said that the Panama Canal Authority has not responded to the request filed several months ago to name the new locks after Ascanio Arosemena  (the first student to be killed on January 9,1964  when students were killed by American soldiers after entering the Canal Zone and raising the Panama flag. The incident led to the treaty that saw the handing over of the canal to Panama at the end of the 20th century.