Finance expert named to public security

 IN A MOVE that has puzzled political  commentators and seems to extend some of the bizarre  incidents that led to the exiting  of the former head of Public Security and his vice-minnister,  President Juan Carlos Varela announced Monday May 16 that Alexis Bethancourt has been appointed deputy minister of Public Security.

He will also be the acting minister until that position is filled.

Bethancourt replaces Rodolfo Aguilera, who was minister, and Rogelio Donaldo, who served as deputy minister, both of whom left under a cloud.

Varela said that Bethancourt has “many abilities on security issues.”

Bethancourt, was director of the Financial Analysis Unit, with more than 25 years of experience in the area of financial security, and in the last two years worked with the ministries of the Presidency and Economy and Finance.

The president said he will announce a new director of the Ministry in the near future. But commentators point out that the president is not quick to act when making appointments.

Varela lauded the efforts of Bethancourt  in getting  Panama removed from the Financial Action Task Force grey list.

Aguilera and Donadío resigned May 5.

Donadio is facing a criminal investigation for his handling of an inquiry into accounting irregularities. While dressed in a SENAPROC (Border Force) uniform he allegedly handcuffed a person he suspected of irregularities, to a chair, and questioned him, a violation of the criminal procedure code.