Court dodges issue of judges visit to Waked HQ

 PANAMA’S SUPREME COURT (CSJ) has  not asked  for an explanation  from  Judge Harry Diaz about his presence at the headquarters of the Wisa Group, hours after the United States Department of the Treasury announced the inclusion of the Waked family conglomerate in the Clinton List on suspicion of money laundering and drug trafficking.

A La Prensa cartoonist's take on Judge Harry Diaz
A La Prensa cartoonist’s take on Judge Harry Diaz. reading Jumpty Dumpty and Pinnochio.

Diaz claims he was investigating a person he was about to denounce in a direct contract complaint linked to the court .

This was confirmed by the court’s  president,  J Jose Ayu Prado, who said  that the Constitution and the law prevent the plenary  from questioning its peers.

“It is not our role to perform such actions”, he said. “Our mandate  obliges us to act in a s thoughtful and unemotional manner to avoid affecting possible legal situations.,” he added.

At the same time, he revealed that the complaint filed by Diaz against the administrative secretary of the Court, Vielsa Rivers, which Diaz claimed motivated his visit to Wisa group, was filed in the office of Judge Angela Russo.