Bank lags in aiding prosecutors

MOST of  the banks that have been questioned  about offshore accounts connected to the investigation into payments made by a government contractor have provided the information sought  by prosecutors in the case.

The standout is Creditcorp which has previously been named in connection with alleged transfer of dubious  funds by Odebrecht

Prosecutors are seeking information about the beneficial owners of accounts that Pele System Inc., made payments to that totaled more than $2 million. Pele received a contract for handling shipping registry records from the Panama Maritime Authority,

The accounts were owned by offshore companies. Banks, however, are required to know the beneficial owner of any offshore account.

Deposits were made to Capital Bank, Tower Bank and Credicorp.

Tower Bank representatives said that although they cannot speak of specific cases, they can certify that they have been reported promptly to the relevant authorities the information required and “we have evidence to prove it.”

At the same time, Capital Bank spokesmen said that they have complied with all the regulations and the requirements of the law.

Credicorp officials declined to comment reports La Prensa.