MEDIA WATCH: Deputies open doors to corruption
Hoyporhoy La Prensa April 29
WHILE MARCELO ODEBRECHT -the former president of Constructora Odebrecht, S.A. – faces new accusations of corruption in Brazil, added to a sentence of 19 years in prison, his company not only targets new business in Panama, but achieved a great victory in the National Assembly, where government deputies and their allies prevented legal reforms that would prevent companies convicted of corruption in Panama or abroad from participating in public tenders.
By opening the door wide to Odebrecht to maintain its corporate hegemony in Panama, the obstinacy of these politicians would not let them see that they also give the same opportunities to companies like Hidalgo & Hidalgo, in which more than $30 million were lost to the exchequer; to companies in the so called zero circle of Ricardo Martinelli and many others that looted the coffers in the previous administration.
After the project is approved on third reading, it will be in the hands of the Executive achieve what the Assembly refused to do.