Alliance for Justice calls for in depth probe of Papers scandal


THE CITIZENS ALLIANCE for Justice, representing a score of civil groups has called on Panama’s Public Ministry  to  undertake an in depth  investigation of the scandal linked to the  Mossack Fonseca law firm.

In a statement issued Saturday, April 16, the Alliance said that the international political consequences have been devastating and already several leading officials from, some major powers, have been forced to resign.

On the other hand, it said, the legal consequences are no less serious: the offices  of the law firm has been raided in Brazil,  El Salvador, Peru, Ecuador, France, and Germany, and more recently the Panama headquarters and prestigious banks have been approached for evidence.

The organizations grouped in the Alliance also questioned the fact that relatives of Ramón Fonseca Mora, a lawyer and co- founder of the firm, still occupy high positions in the government.

The Alliance says that the scandal has affected the good name of Panama, although the responsibility for opening shell companies allegedly linked to laundering and tax evasion are the responsibility of the signatories   and not the country.

In asking  the MP for a thorough investigation, and  transparency clear messages would be sent  to the international community  demonstrating intolerance of malicious activities.

The Alliance  called  for civil society,  organizations to  clearly raise their voices against corruption, impunity and the violation of human rights and to declare a state of alert.