Ex-judge moves back to prison cell

DISGRACED former Supreme Court President Alejandro Moncada  Luna  whose lawyer is trying to convince the National Assembly that  he should be moved from cell to house arrest, because of high blood pressure,  is back behind bars after 10 days at St. Thomas public hospital.

He Luna was discharged this Thursday, April 14, and returned immediately to the El Renacer prison , where he is serving five years  for unjust enrichment and falsehood.

Moncada Luna was hospitalized on April 5 at St. Thomas after claiming  “chronic hypertension”.

The ex-judge , and  his wife, Pilar Fernandez, bought two apartments in Coco del Mar, San Francisco, valued at $ 1.7 million, without  loans or creditors.

In late March,  attorney Ramiro Jarvis requested to a National Assembly hearing to consider Moncada Luna’s health

But so far has it has not been met, said Jarvis. “Here there is the denial of justice and I have been totally surprised because we have four months of waiting ,” he said.

“It is assumed that a process in the  adversarial criminal justice system, where justice must be swift and efficient we have  simply been denied the right to at least have the audience. I am surprised,” said the attorney.

While still  a judge Mpncada Luna was accused of sitting on a Financial Pacific file allowing the owners, wallowing in problems, to sell the troubled brokerage.