Last Call for Murder Mystery auditions

By Margot Thomas

THE FINAL Auditions for Bingo Spells Murder     the  sixth murder mystery dinner theatre series presented  by the  CanadaPLUS Foundation  will  be held on Saturday, April 9.

This year’s play  by Robert Mattson features  a battle between a priest who has organized a fund raising bingo session to help raise funds for a Bingo Spells Murder-page-001struggling orphanage, facing foreclosure and a hard nosed female entrepreneur who has big  development plans for the orphanage location . Throw in a  messenger from a mafia  boss, the developer’s wimpy husband, the orphanage bookkeeper  and two wannabe married orphans  and you have six  murder suspects and  a corpse,

The actors mingle with the audience who  are participants in the show and helping to spot the killer. Lots of laughs are also part of the mix.

Director Kendall McKella, is looking for male and female actors in their mid- 20’s to play the lovers, a mature male and female to take on the priest and bookeeper, roles,  plus males to play the hood and wimpy husbands.

Auditions will be in Bella Vista from 2- 4pm.

Interested participants, with or without acting experience  aged 25-55 (or looking it) should call 6619-6890 or email