Court voids contract after 15 years

IT TOOK Nearly 15 years for  Panama’s  Supreme Court to void  the contract signed in 1997 between the extinct National Port Authority (APN) and Ports Engineering & Consultants Corp. (PECC) for the maintenance of navigation devices (lighthouses and buoys).

In a ruling – reached on Dec. 4 2015 and published in the Government Gazette Monday, March 28 – the court indicated that the concession to PECC was made without complying with the legal procedures for the privatization of public services, reports La Prensa,

It also  voided other administrative actions of APN during the administration of the now-deceased Hugo Torrijos and Deputy Administrator Rubén Reyna.

Torrijos, cousin of former president Martin Torrijos, was widely referred to as “Mr ten percent”

Former Comptroller Alvin Weeden, who filed the request for annulment in 2002, said the ruling upholds the respect for the heritage of the state and said damages should be paid. Carlos Carrillo, an attorney for PECC, said that they respect the ruling.

Two United States businessmen were convicted in that country for paying bribes to the officials involved, but there were no convictions in Panama.