Prosecutor calls for Odebrecht contract audits

PANAMA’S Administration Prosecutor Rigoberto González has written to Comptroller Federico Humbert to ask for audits of public works done by Brazilian contractor Odebrecht “to know details regarding possible cost overruns.”

González urged Humbert to “hear the cry” of different sectors of civil society who are demanding that the projects be scrutinized. The demands have been made because Odebrecht officials have been linked to corruption in Brazil.

On Tuesday, Brazilian authorities arrested 15 people, including executives from Odebrecht, as part of the “Lava Jato” (Car Wash)  investigation into alleged bribes paid to executives of the state oil company Petrobras. Since then a director of the Panama Odebrecht operation has been named as a key player in arranging the funneling pf bribe money to foreign officials and politicians.

González stressed that an audit will allow the government to determine whether or not there were similar crimes committed in Panama. Odebrecht has received about $9 billion in contracts from three administrations, including two major works from the current government.

Minister of the Presidency Álvaro Alemán has defended the participation of Odebrecht in tenders, saying that the proposals were accepted because they were the best ones presented.

“We are confident that these works will be done correctly,” he said.