Panama a magnet for job seekers

PANAMA  has become a magnet for foreign workers and in In 2015, authorities approved 20,369 work permits, about half of them  Colombians and Venezuelans.

Experts say that the infusion of foreign labor will improve competitiveness and innovation in the labor market reports La Prensa.

Each year more people are migrating to Panama in search of better quality of life. A large percentage comes from countries such as Venezuela, where there are a difficult political and economic situations.

The number of work permits issued in 2015 increased  was up 68 percent from 2014, when 12,141 were issued.

Residency permits are also on the rise. According to data from immigration, 17,907 residency permits were granted, a 30 percent increase from the previous year.

Geographical location, economic growth experienced in recent years and job opportunities are some of the reasons why people choose Panama as the destination “to start again,” Says La Prensa.