OFF THE CUFF: Gucci doggie case fogged up

AN  INVESTIGATION has been opened by the public prosecutor    into allegations that a Deputy Minister of Social Development made her bodyguards perform menial tasks, including walking her VIP  dog, named “Gucci “

Zulema Sucre  is accused of abusing state resources. The investigation will be handled by Attorney General Kenia Porcell. Meanwhile a fog of uncertainty hangs over the  Ministry

Last week Angélica Maytín, director of the National Transparncy  Authority on Transparency, filed a complaint with the Prosecutor into.

That apparently nudged President Juan Carlos Varela, into asking Sucre to step down while the investigation was taking place but by the weekend unclear if she had done reports La Prensa.

Minister of Social Development Alcibíades Vázquez confirmed that he delivered a report on the allegations to Varela on Thursday Feb 25

According to Vazquez, the report includes information from an administrative inquiry and statements from the deputy minister and Maytin.

Vázquez said Sucre must present her resignation to the president and not to him and that he is not aware of whether or not she had done so which doesn’t say much for departmental communication.

“This case is in the hands of the president, who must make a decision on the matter,” he said.