New Canal Board director named

FRANCISCO Sierra Fabrega currently a government Minister-advisor  has been named   to the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), by President Juan Carlos Varela.

The president said that Sierra Fabrega has a proven business track record and extensive experience in the financial and administrative areas.

“He will make valuable contributions to the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal,” Varela said.

Sierra Fabrega, who has more than 25 years of experience in the private sector, has served as director of several Panamanian companies and is a member of the Panamanian Association of Business Executives.

His appointment has to be ratified by the National Assembly.

There are currently two other vacancies on the board that need to be filled as the terms Ricardo De La Espriella, Guillermo Chapman and Adolfo Ahumada expired Feb. 11.

All three were appointed by former President Martín Torrijos (2004-2009).