MEDIA WATCH: When love of country is missing

hoyporhoy  La Prensa Panama, Feb . 24

MISTAKES and wrongdoing of officials representing the State have all kinds of negative consequences for the country, many of which cannot be remedied, despite the best attempts.

That was not the case with Panama’s relationship with the Italian Finmeccanica group of companies. After months of negotiations, the government has been able to reach an agreement that  saves the country saves more than $100 million, and thus avoid years of costly litigation and arbitration, with  results could that  well be unfavorable for the treasury public.

Although at first glance, this result should be cause for celebration, instead, it should lead us to reflect deeply on a very simple question, but essential in affairs of state: loyalty to the country that  it represents, or what is more of course, the patriotism of the men and women who administer public affairs.

That lack of love for Panama and the absence of a sense of feeling, which characterized the five years that elapsed between 2009 and 2014, were the main ingredient of a so-called soap opera, which we hope will be in its final chapters.

This negotiation does not absolve those who planned and perpetrated the robbery, that’s another story whose end is pending.