Zika virus birth defect link challenged

By Dr Bill McGraw

PANAMA  has recorded its 65th case of the Zika virus, but the initial reaction of the WHO predicting a catastrophic pandemic is being challenged by some sources with suggestions that statistic have been manipulated and the cause of birth defects coming from pharmaceuticals.

The Zika virus has spread from its origin in Africa.  There are 70 types of Mosquitoes in Uganda, ,  some carrying deadly viruses. Yellow Fever, Dengue, West Nile, Malaria and the Zika .

Scientists estimate between one and two million people die each year from mosquito related illness. New viruses are encountered every year. Discovered by scientists in 1947 while studying the yellow fever in Uganda, the Zika virus presents new complications.

Iin Uganda, it infects mostly monkeys and human symptoms are mild, including fever, rash and red eyes. According to the majority of reports, the only real danger that exists is to unborn children, with birth defects developing in infected mothers.  However, 4 out of 5 people that contract the virus, don’t even know they have it, and  don’t develop any symptoms.  But,  many of the thousands  of babies that have been born with this birth defect, have died.

Understanding and Prevention
The female mosquito bites to obtain nutrition for her offspring. She lays about 150 eggs in still water which develop into larvae. There are four  separate larval stages and they develop into an adult in 10 days, with females again ready to infect more people. Unlike many other mosquitoes, Aedes is mainly active throughout the day.

The mosquito that spreads the virus, Aedes Egypti , is not present in Canada and Chile but the virus is likely going to spread to the rest of Central and South America. Brazil has 1.5 million cases.

Control of the spread of the Zika virus and possible infection requires eliminating all possible sources of standing water within 400 ft of  where  people exist., Added prevention can be door and window screens and wearing loose fitting, brightly colored long sleeves, pants and socks. Essential oils such as cinnamon, vanilla, citronella, catnip,  lemon eucalyptus, peppermint and lemon applied to skin will repel mosquitoes. Regular consumption of vitamin B1 and garlic make people less attractive to pregnant female mosquitoes, while eating bananas seems to attract them..  Mosquitoes in general are attracted to carbon dioxide produced from breathing, and many unique scents, making some people more attractive than others.

In more permanent still water bodies, the addition of fish will eliminate all mosquito larvae. In fact, mosquito larvae are very attractive as food to many fish and many fish such as the “mosquito fish” feed almost exclusively on mosquito larvae. Since mosquito larvae breath air, adding a thin film of vegetable or mineral oil to permanent water bodies will “drown” and kill the larvae.

Panamas Ministry of Health and the Gorgas Institute, are evaluating the option of releasing genetically modified mosquitoes in Panama to reduce the  reproduction rate

The 65 confirmed  cases of Zika virus  are all in the Guna Yala area, likely spreading from the 23, 000 confirmed cases in Columbia.

New information confirms that the virus can also be transferred through unprotected sex. Currently there is no vaccine and no medicine available and prevention may be the only cure.

However there is new information concerning the likelihood of Zika being the root cause of the birth defects in children with toxic pesticides as a more probable culprit. Doctors from the Brazilian Association for Collective Health (ABRASCO) reported that out of 3,893 cases of malformations confirmed until January 20, 2016, 49 children have died and only five of them were confirmed to have been infected with Zika.












Zika: Genocidal Mega Hoax


Dr Bill McGraw is an aquaculture scientist  living in Boquete. He can be reached at (drbillmcgraw@investpanamanewshrimptechnology