MEDIA WATCH: Blurring the lines between church and state

hoyporhoy , La Prensa, Feb,14

FAITH moves mountains, and also the public purse. The government has allocated at least $ 16.7 million to religious causes, most to the Catholic Church. 

A lot of these state contributions were directed to construction and restoration of religious infrastructures, leaving unattended invaluable buildings of the State itself. The erosion of the healthy separation between religion and state is evident. Common sense appears uncomfortable with what clearly can be perceived by one side as government favoritism, and on the other, ecclesiastical silence  about questionable actions by certain officials.

Religion plays an important task in the social life of human beings  and is one of the powers able to mobilize the population to achieve noble ends.

However, when the political and spiritual beliefs are mixed, citizens and parishioners pay double taxes and tithes for the same purpose.

In Panama, the system of checks and balances is weak enough to add to this reality an unhealthy loss of balance needed between religious institutions and government.