1.5 million seedlings for reforestation this year

THE MINISTRY of the  Environment has committed 15 nurseries to  produce 1.5 million seedlings, to  be planted in 2016 to restore watersheds and degraded areas, but  iss meeting opposition in some areas of Chiriqui.

This is part of the the Million Hectares Alliance project, which seeks to reforest one million hectares in 20 years. The initiative aims to curb the drought affecting the main rivers and tributaries of the country.
Juan Perez, national coordinator of the Alliance, said that in the first 3 years $ 11 million. will be allocated to the project. According to Perez, forests ensure the availability of water in water sources and help mitigate global warming.
Robert Kroesen, president of the National Association of Reforestation said that Panama has only 30% of forests, where decades ago the forest area was 95%.
Susana Serracín, of the  Center for Environmental Advocacy, said that the planting of trees in the basins should be a state policy, so that the next government will provide continuity.
The Environment,Ministry said  the funds for the project come from a loan from the Latin America Developmebt Bank. Reforesting one million hectares within 20 years would represent planting  some 50,000 hectares each year.
Robert Kroesen, president of the National Association of Reforestation the proposal of planting trees on watersheds, “positive” but believes that the government should amend the Forest Act 24 of 1992, to improve incentives to property owners.
He used the example of Uruguay, where they have planted 900,000 hectares in 15 years after improving forestry regulations, reports La Prensa.

Damaris Sánchez, Project Coordinator of the Foundation for Integral Development, Community and Ecosystem Conservation in Panama, said that the availability of land is a key issue in such projects. T hey have tried to implement the program  in land located in the Chiriqui highlands, but their owners refuse. “This should be an initiative for all” he said.