Canal locks repairs get the go-ahead

THE REPAIRS to the third set of locks have got the thumbs up from external consultants. said the  Panama Canal Authority (ACP) on Friday, February  12.

The repairs were completed in January and the reliability of the structure were verified by the same tests which revealed leaks in the locks in August 2015.

According to the ACP and the consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), the failure was due to an error in the design, which called for the use of less steel than should have been installed.

ACP Administrator Jorge Luis Quijano said that the repairs cost about $40 million, and that the cost will be the responsibility of GUPC, which subcontracted the design to Montgomery Watson Harza

The work on the third set of locks now enters a period of final examinations. They will likely be ready for opening at the end of June reports La Prensa.
