Brazil asked to aid Odebrecht laundering probe

CONSTRUCTION giant  Odebrecht linked to the corruption scandals currently plaguing Brazil,  is now  in th eye of Panama prosecutors who have requested judicial assistance from Brazilian authorities as part of its investigation into alleged money laundering by the company.

The investigation is based on a complaint by former Comptroller Alvin Weeden, who alleged that Panamanian companies were used by the Brazilian firm to launder $50 million.

Sources linked to the case reported that Seventh Anti-Corruption Prosecutor Janeth Rovetto asked Brazilian authorities for information about Odebrecht’s activities in that country and its relationship to Panama, reports La Prensa

In addition to legal assistance, the prosecutor also requested an extension to continue with the investigation, the sources said.

In his complaint, Weeden alleged that Odebrecht engaged in a broad pattern of money laundering in Brazil, which is being investigated by the South American country within the Lava Jato operation. That probe involves officials of the Brazilian state oil company Petrobras.

Sources said Weeden has been asked to provide more information about his allegations.

Meanwhile  a Panama law firm is also  facing allegations of money laundering following a raid on its Brazil offices where several senior members of the firm were arrested .

Odebrecht has received over $2 billion in contracts from the current administration and was the recipient of multiple contracts in the Martinelli era.