UK built solar farm powering 3,000 Panama homes

A BRITISH firm has completed one of Panama’s largest sular energy farms and one of the first  to be connected to the national grid.

Tenewables developer Solarcentury built the The 9.9 megawatt peak (MWp) farm, dubbed Divisa Solar, in Cocle and it  is now generating enough electricity to power around 3,000 homes.

“Building  one of Panama’s very first solar farms has been an insightful experience for Solarcentury in this nascent solar market,” said Frans van den Heuvel, chief executive of Solarcentury,. “As more and more countries around the world reach grid parity, solar becomes even more economically viable.”

The farm was built for Panama-based investor ECOSolar, which has also commissioned Solarcentury to take care of operations and maintenance at the site for the next two years. Funding came from a secured loan from the Inter-American Development Bank.