Tree felled by wind kills resting man

A FALLING MANGO tree  brought down by strong winds killed an 89 year-old  man  resting in a hammock on Wednesday, February 10.

Luis Cubilla a  farmer in San Pablo Nuevo Chirigagua near  David, Chiriquí, had decided to cool down and in a hammock in the backyard, when sudden  strong winds caused the fall of the huge tree.

Neighbors described the winds as unusual in the area.

From early on Wednesday, there have been strong winds in areas of David, Alanje, Boqueron and Bugaba that have brought down trees.

In Quiteño Las Lomas, residents reported the local  TV antenna was knocked down while on the Pan American Highway, several  fallen trees had to be cut by personnel of the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) and firefighters.

Heavy rains are reported in the highlands of Chiriqui, causing the flooding of the Chiriqui Viejo River and other streams in the areas of Cerro Punta and Boquete.

In Boquete damage to the roofs of at least two houses they were reported, and farmers’ greenhouses were damaged  in Alto Boquete.