MEDIA WATCH: Corruption culture lives on

Hoyporhoy La Prensa, Feb. 10
THE CULTURE of corruption is still present in Panama. This is demonstrated by the 11 current government officials being investigated by the prosecution for alleged crimes. While 50 companies are under investigation for tax evasion.. 

Despite the persistence of politicians and businessmen in pursuing dishonest practices, a germ of institutions is seen in those who are responsible for conducting these investigations. The administration of justice must ensure that rigged procurement, the division of invoices,, nepotism and conflict of interests earns exemplary punishment, only then can right the wrongs of the past.

However, the government must act with prudence and avoid their decisions being  turned , into a political weapon against its   opponents while ensuring  that the state is never again used by politicians for their own benefit and that of their cronies. Panamanians demand honest leaders whose legacy is based on the institutions and the rule of law and not on the burden of their negligence in defending the rule of law and democracy.