MEDIA WATCH: Power brokers lay siege to prosecutors

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa Feb. 5

THE SEVEN Senior Anti-Corruption Prosecutors have undertaken to change the political and business culture of the country, to demonstrate that crime does not pay and that there is certainty of punishment.

Under the limitations imposed by the Judicial Code, and the lack of human and financial resources, these officials have become subject to enormous pressures and attacks to influence  public opinion, relatives of the accused lawyers of powerful defenders’ consortia and even specialists in communication and image making, calling those who have tried to corner them “arbitrary and selective”

The efforts and risks of these officials, mostly women, who have in this mission risked reputation, honor, career and family environment, seem equally be accompanied by the judiciary. Their task transcends the circumstantial and walks on the path of institutional strengthening and the fulfillment of justice against a culture that often in practice,  I denied. denies. The country should support these servers. That is the only  way we will rescue society from the abyss of corruption