Deal allows Cuban migrants to fly to Mexico

CUBAN MIGRANTS stranded in Panama will soon be heading to Mexico following a deal between Mexican  President Enrique Pena Nieto  and Panama President Juan Carlos Varela.

The agreement was reached  during the Fourth Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), held in January in Ecuador.

Panama’s Foreign Ministry said in  a statement that Cuban migrants who arrive irregularly in the country are victims of trafficking, with riskier routes and high cost so, Mexico has granted Panama an  ” exceptional and limited way “solution, which will, in the coming days expedite, orderly and safe direct transfer.

“Mexico and Panama remain committed to continue working with countries in the region to comprehensively address the issue of migration, seeking joint solutions,” said the release..

Cubans began their journey with a flight to Ecuador, which until last December did not require a visa, and from there began their migratory journey to the United States through Colombia , Central America and Mexico, but last November Nicaragua shut the border, leading to a build up of  migrants in Costa Rica and Panama.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) is processing health certificates for 600 Cubans to allow them to travel to Mexico.

The regional director of the MoH, Augustine Saldana said the more than 1,000 Cubans are in the gym at the  Paso Canoa border and rigorous examinations were performed in order to give the certification.