Ex-finance minister gets $200,000 bail

A CRIMINAL court judge has revered his earlier decision and granted $200,000 bail to  former Minister of Economy and Finance, Frank De Lima, with release on bail of $ 200,000 and country jail. He is facing charges f involvement in a case causing damage the state of $12.3 million.

Mario Martinelli, brother of former president Ricardo Martinellie    was recently granted bail for $2 million in a case involving damage to the state of pver $14 million.

The decision  on De Lima  came from Fifteenth Penal Judge Leslie Loaiza, who admitted the bail application filed by lawyer, Dixsiana Acosta.

Originally, Loaiza had denied the release, but following  an appeal, granted bail because  De Lima had  participated in the most “relevant” measures, such as statements inquiries and proceedings of confrontation. according to a judiciary press release

“Therefore, the danger or risk of contamination of evidence or failure to obey the summons of the  public prosecutor fades,” said the release..

Loaiza also assessed that the former minister has family and a home, so, in his opinion there is no “risk of flight”.

De Lima iwas detained by order of the First Anti-corruption prosecutor, Tania Sterling, who is  investigating  his involvement in the irregular grain purchase with funds of the  National Assistance Program (PAN) reports La Prensa.

The  General Accounting Office has  estimated damage to the state of  $12.3 million.