Death knell of Panamas Aladdins cave?

THE DEVELOPING  backhoe scandal  in the Department of Social Affairs (DAS), which replaced the National Assistance Program (PAN), could see the end of  program which,  regardless of its name, has  operated like an Aladdin’s cave  for those close to  and within, ruling administrations.

Now  José Luis “Popi” Varela, a Panameñista deputy and brother of President Juan Carlos Varela,  has waved a red flag and said,  that the DAS must be closed.

He said on Thursday, February 4. that although the government has eliminated much of the corruption connected to the PAN, there is still a general feeling of mistrust surrounding the DAS. He made no mention of the mistrust spreading to  include the Panemenista Party?

“It will always be a questionable institution, and  I would close the DAS.”said the deputy. “I have recommended that to the president,” he said. There’s nothing quite like a family connection.

He said that all the contracts and purchases made by the agency are done under the public procurement law, but didn’t go into details of how the law was flouted by issuing multiple invoices, under the $300,000 mark, when cabinet approval is needed..

He made his comments in light of the scandal that has plagued the program due to allegations of conflict of interest in the purchase of backhoes by the PAN for a Ministry of Housing project, which the Minister of the Presidency had cited as an example of the efficient, uncorrupted, way the present administration was doing business.

Meanwhile, with the prospects   of access to the cave being restricted, the thieves will be busy polishing the magic lamp to discover new creative ways of getting their share of the taxpayer funded  treasure. History shows that the genie will have the answer.